Stretches for Back Pain-Six Pain Relieving and Muscle Strengthening Exercises

Wondering what you can do at home to help yourself? Take a look at these simple exercises that can you can incorporate into your daily routine.

These gentle stretching exercises can also be a great source of relief anytime your back pain is wearing you down. As always please consult your physician before starting out on any exercise program.

Lumbar Rotation

Slowly rotate knees from side to side in pain-free range of motion. Allow lower back to rotate. Repeat 10 times per set, 1 session per day.



Press upper body upward into position shown, keeping hips in contact with floor. Keep lower back and buttocks relaxed. Repeat 10 times, 1 session per day.


External Rotators

Clasp hands around knee and gently press it toward opposite shoulder. Hold for 30 seconds. Feel stretch in buttocks and outside of the hip. Repeat with other leg. Repeat 3 times, 1 session per day.


Active Hamstring Stretch


Support back of thigh behind knee. Starting with knee bent, attempt to straighten knee until a comfortable stretch is felt in back of thigh. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times with each leg, do 1 session per day.


Internal Rotators

Gently pull foot and knee toward shoulder, rotating at hip. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with other leg. Repeat 3 times, do 1 session per day.


Hip Flexor Stretch


Slowly move hips forward while keeping trunk upright until a stretch is felt in the front of the thigh. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times, do 1 session per day.


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